Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Educational technology
- Machine learning & Big Data in education
- Virtual and augmented reality in education
- Internet of Things (IoT) and its use in education
- E-learning, mobile learning and Intelligent tutoring systems
- Tendencies in the Field of Education Communication and its Technology
- Smart learning environments
- Artificial Intelligence & its application
- Web Intelligence application
- Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
- Social and Green Computing
- Intelligent and Decision Support Systems
- Big Data Analytics and Applications
- Computer Vision & Pattern
- E-Government and E-business
- Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
- Multimedia Systems and Applications
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Health Informatics
- IT for agriculture, tourism and natural resource management
- IT for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- كما نرحب بكل المشاركات باللغة العربية والخاصة بتطبيقات الاعلام الالي في ميادين اللسانيات، اللغات، المحاسبة ، الاعلام والاتصال وغيرها...
Important Dates
These are the Conference Key Dates
Submission deadline: July 15, 2023
Notification deadline: August 15, 2023
Camera-ready deadline: September 1, 2023
Registration deadline: September 2, 2023
Here are the Honorary, Orgranization and Program Committees
Honorary Chairman
- Pr. Salah ELLAGOUNE, Rector of Guelma University
- Pr. Athmane MEDDOUR, Dean of MISM Faculty
- Pr. Hamid SERIDI, Head of LabSTIC Laboratory
Organization Chair
- Dr. Ali SERIDI
Organization Committee Members
- Houda TADJER
Program Committee Chair
- Pr. Yacine LAFIFI
Program Committee Members
- Abdeldjalil Guettal (Tebessa University)
- Abdelmalek Amine (Saida University)
- Abdelkrim Amirat (SoukAhras University)
- Abdessamed Ghomari (ESI, Algiers)
- Adel Benamira (Guelma University)
- Ali Khebizi (Guelma University)
- Ali Seridi (Guelma University)
- Amina Zedadra (Guelma University)
- Ammar Balla (ESI, Algiers)
- Azzedine Bilami (Batna University)
- Chawki Djeddi (Tebessa University)
- Chemsennahar Bencheriet (Guelma University)
- Bachir Boucheham (Skikda University)
- Baghdad Atmani (Oran 1 University)
- Brahim Farou (Guelma University)
- Farid Mokhati (Oum ElBouaghi University)
- Hamid Benseridi (Setif University)
- Hamid Seridi (Guelma University)
- Houda Tadjer (Guelma University)
- Ismahane Souici (Jijel University)
- Karim Bouamrane (Oran 1 University)
- Khaled Halimi (Guelma University)
- Karima Benhamza (Guelma University)
- Karima Benatchba (ESI, Algiers)
- Karima Boussaha (Oum ElBouaghi University)
- Lamia Mahnane (Annaba University)
- Lynda Djakhdjakha (Guelma University)
- Mohamed Amine Ferrag (Guelma University)
- Mohamed Benmohammed (Constantine U.)
- Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini (Biskra U.)
- Mohamed Hafidi (Annaba University)
- Mohamed Nadjib Kouahla (Guelma University)
- Mohamed Nemissi (Guelma University)
- Mohamed Reda Hamou (Saida University)
- Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi (ElOued U.)
- Mohamed-sedik Chebout (Oum ElBouaghi U.)
- Nabiha Azizi (Annaba University)
- Nabila Bousbia (ESI, Algiers)
- Nadir Farah (Annaba University)
- Nadjette Benhamida (Guelma University)
- Okba Kazar (Biskra University)
- Ouarda Zedadra (Guelma University)
- Rafik Menassel (Tebessa University)
- Safia Bendjebar (Guelma University)
- Samia Drissi (SoukAhras University)
- Smaine Mazouzi (Skikda University)
- Sofiane Zaidi (Oum ElBouaghi University)
- Tahar Bouhadada (Annaba University)
- Toufik Marir (Oum ElBouaghi University)
- Zineddine Kouahla (Guelma University)
- Zohra Mehenaoui (Guelma University)
Keynote Speakers
Here are the Keynote Speakers
![Speaker 1](assets/img/speakers/1.jpg)
Prof. Okba Kazar
University of Biskra
![Speaker 2](assets/img/speakers/2.jpg)
Dr. Ahmed Belhani
University of Constantine 2
![Speaker 3](assets/img/speakers/3.jpg)
Dr. Djahel Soufiene
University of Huddersfield (UK)
Conference Schedule
Here is the Conference schedule
The conference activities will be held at the old Library in the old campus of the university
Openining Ceremony
Keynote Speaker 1
Poster Session and Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker 2
Oral Sessions
Parallel Oral Sessions
Poster Session & Coffee Break
Oral Sessions
End of Day 1
Keynote Speaker 3
Oral Sessions
Poster Session & Coffee Break
Parallel Oral Sessions
Closing Ceremony
Social Program
End of the Conference
Conference Venue
Conference venue location and info
University of 8 Mai 1945 Guelma
University of 8 Mai 1945 Guelma (UGUELMA) is a large (uniRank enrollment range: 15,000-19,999 students) coeducational Algerian higher education institution that offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorate degrees in several areas of study. This 37-year-old Algerian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic records and grades. The admission rate range is 50-60% making this Algerian higher education organization an averagely selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. UGUELMA also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services.
Conference Publication
Conference Selected Papers Publication
Papers accepted of NCNETI'23 will be included in the conference proceedings. The extended versions of selected high-quality papers will be considered for publication in one of the following international journals:
Submit Paper
Author Guidelines and Submission Instructions
All papers must be original and should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or conference.
- Short Paper submission (Posters) for presentation only without publication; Papers must be written in English, Arabic or French and must not exceed two (2) pages.
- Full paper research submission for both presentation and publication. Papers should be written in English andmust not exceed 8 pages in length (6 pages minimum), including figures, tables, and references.
All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee to meet rigorous academic standards of publication.
Each accepted paper should be presented either online or in person at the conference.
All papers must be formatted according to the conference's template and must be submitted at the following address :
Registration fees
Registration and Participation Fees
Registration fees include:
- Admission to all technical sessions
- Refreshments during breaks and launches (Including coffee-breaks and lunches)
- Conference materials
- Social Program
The conference fees do not include accommodation.
5000.00 DA
10000.00 DA
50% discount
* Students must provide an official certificate of their student status at the moment of registration.